The Marvel of Tаrоt Cards

Tаrоt cards were prized possession of the gypsies and magicians. Linked with witchcraft and considered heretic by medieval churchmen. Tаrоt has survived every twist and turn of fate.

Today, it enjoys an ever increasing popularity. tarot del amor 2017 deck are widely available.Anybody can just walk in a bookstore and buy tаrоt books and tаrоt cards. You can go online and find yourself a treasure trove of tаrоt decks and books. It was not always like this before. You had to do your legwork and actually find someone who was willing to teach you.

The earliest tаrоt cards were believed to have first existed between 13th and 14th century. These were hand-painted ones of which only seventeen cards were known to have remained.

Some speculations of how tаrоt cards came about are: They were considered ars memorativa (a pictorial memory system). In medieval Europe, mystics and philosophers used a visual memory system to record secret philosophies and doctrines to escape persecution. Some said gypsies( a derivation of the word Egyptians) carried the tаrоt cards with them during their travels, although gypsies did not use tаrоt for fortune telling right away. They used palmistry and regular deck of playing cards prior to tаrоt decks.

To debunk the myth that tаrоt decks should be treated in a special way like wrapping the deck in silk cloth and then putting it in a mahogany box, smudging it with incense and purifying it with crystals, might I add, that your first tаrоt deck should be given as a gift and not let anyone borrow or use that I will say, it is not important. It is not a requisite to reading tаrоt successfully. If it makes you feel good to do all that I mentioned with your tаrоt cards then do so. If you want to achieve a proper mindset, go ahead. Don’t let the mechanics of a ritual outweigh the purpose. All the power depends on us. The power is with us, not in the tаrоt decks.

Tаrоt cards nowadays come in different themes (Dragon, Baseball, Herbal, Mythic etc.) Buy one whose images you like. It’s one way to personally connect with your cards, which is a must for reading tаrоt effectively. Just one thing, though when you buy themed decks where all images relate to one main concept like a fairy that appears in every card(as in fairy themed deck), will get in the way with interpreting the symbols. Especially if you’re the kind of tаrоt reader who finds symbols and meanings of symbols crucial to interpreting the tаrоt cards well.

Tаrоt cards fascinated people for centuries. It is because It has a wide variety of uses; for meditation aid, for predicting future events, for healing, for personal growth. It can be used to analyze problems, help in decision-making and stimulate intuition. It can reveal deeply hidden motives, fears and desires. It can reveal faults for the aim of correcting them.

Most people don’t bother how the tаrоt cards work, because how it works is less significant than then the fact that it does work.

Tаrоt cards can let you see how events are connected. Makes you understand that there is a greater design behind these series of events. The attainment of this wisdom usually takes a lifetime of work.

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