What Do We Really Do When Using Tarot?

The Tarot, the oracles are fascinating, irritating, scary, enchanting people for years. Historically, these tools of self-knowledge are used as tools and we are going to see the reasons why the cards continue to be a important key. Tаrоt puts in motion the depths of our being. We will first list the various components of our being, as a whole. I will give a little description, their correspondence in Jungian psychology. I will indicate the criteria to be sure that all those internal can expand in total harmony. Then I will show you the links between these different elements and the Tarot. The purpose is to understand why and how a deck of cards represents the movement and fluidity of life. Finally, I will give you some suggestions in a choice of additional hints games and some usage tips.

The 4 + 1 elements of our holistic being:

Our internal structure, represented by the card of » The World «, shows five basic parts in us. There are four elements: Fire, Air, Water, Earth and a core element of ether or spirit. We find the same four items used by astrologers.

FIRE element:

it is our intuitive, visionary part. It is also the source of our actions, our perseverance…. this element is extremely fast, immediate, like a laser. This element is activated when we have flashes, inner certainty. When this intuitive part is not recognized by us, we do not know who we are, where we want to go, what is the meaning of our life on this earth… when it is recognize and cultivate, we feel connected to our internal GPS (symbolized by the element ether), which tells us our starting point, our destination and the path to become involved. This element is the function «Intuition» in Jungian psychology and is represented by the lion on the card XXI » The world » of Tarot.

AIR element:

It is our intellectual side, which is also our thought-forms. Its pace is very fast (think of all the thoughts that go through our brain in a minute). It is the rhythm of the wind. When this element is not aligned with the others, we feel confusion invading us, the thoughts going everywhere without any control. When we live this part harmoniously, we put our thoughts in order, giving them their right place and cultivate thoughts that lift us and carry us forward. In Jungian psychology, air represents the function » Thought», and we see it represented as an eagle on the card XXI of the Tarot.

WATER element:

This element includes our feelings, emotions, sensitivity. His pace is slower than the first two elements. For example, we may think or say, «sadness-joy» in a few seconds but if we feel the emotion of sadness and after the emotion of joy, we need a little more time to move from one feeling to another. This element is more dense than the first two and that is why the pace is slower. If we don’t know how to live this part harmoniously, we can be drowned by our emotions. We get trapped in emotional melodramas that are exhausting and unnecessary. When we are healthy in our emotional part, we accept our emotions without being overwhelmed, we recognize our sensible life. It is mastered and expressed appropriately for his own good and the good of all. This element is called the function » feelings » in Jungian terminology. This is an angel who represents that part on the card XXI of Marseilles Tarot.

EARTH element:

This includes our physical sensations, our relationship to the body, food,Mother-Earth. His pace is slow because it is the most dense and concrete dimension of all. It’s the rhythm of nature with its seasons. It is the acceptation that a flower does not grow faster if we pull it… When we don’t live this part well, we live with impatience, rigidity, we would like everything goes differently from what happens in real life, we are not capable of letting go. When we experience a good relationship with this inner part, we are persistent, patient, you live the flow of our life in peace. This element is called the function » sensation » in Jungian psychology. You can see it represented by a horse on the card XXI of Marseilles Tarot.

ETHER element:

This is our soul, our inner divinity, the master of our depth, our source… whatever the name we give it, it is the central part inside of us that knows everything without knowing intellectually. We can align the heart of all our different parts with this one. It pulses at a pace faster than ever because it is our source of synchronic silence. Its rhythm is a multidimensional pace that can shrink or expand to infinity. It is the center of our wheel of life, everything revolves around him. When we are not conscious of this inner part, we live a life inconsistent, paradoxical, contradictory. When we are conscious of this part, this brings us an awareness of all parts of our being, a recognition of our divine part as a wise and immortal presence. We feel guided, loved, unified and perfect in our imperfections. The jungians call this function «transcendental» because it is the center and the periphery of our inner mandala. It is our internal GPS that enable us to live a harmonious life, taking into consideration each of the four elements listed above from which it is the quintessence. On the card XXI » The world » of the el tarot del amor 2017 of Marseilles, this part is represented by a naked woman surrounded by a mandorla, placed at the center of the card.

Now, let’s see what happens when we use a Tarot, what really… happens in the heart of our being? We will see that the Tаrоt will put in motion all the inner 4 + 1 elements:

The Tаrоt and the 5 elements:

When we choose a Tаrоt deck, we use is our FIRE element. We listen to our intuition to choose the game we feel as a mystery. We choose this one and not that one, because we want to discover its secrets. We feel that «it» calls us. Once we have found our game, we look at the images. It feeds our soul and our WATER element. The beauty of the figures penetrates us, moves us, questions us… We take one, two cards, we reads the booklet, try to understand and our AIR element is activated, the one that wants explanations… Then, we return to the Tаrоt deck and we mix all the cards, we do the spreading and…it is our EARTH element that is activated. We want to experiment, touch, integrate, smell, feel physically what is going…

We participate at the game of Life, the same way we are with our Tаrоt deck.


It is important to choose a Tаrоt deck you like, whose images inspire you, which contains explanations understandable to you and you have pleasure to play with. So, all your inner parts are recognized, appreciated and put in motion.

How do you know if you have a right Tаrоt deck for you? Ask yourself those questions:

– Do I choose my Tаrоt deck because I like it ( and not because this or that expert have the same, because it is the most used or because such authority on the matter said…? ). – Do the images inspire me? – Do I understand the explanations in the booklet? – Do I find my cards perfect for my hands ( and not too large or too small…)?

If you answer YES to those questions, everything is fine. If you answer no to one or more to those questions, perhaps this is a good time to find another set of Tаrоt cards and choose one that will resonate with… you! Find the Tаrоt deck that simply inspire you effortlessly, accompany you all the time and make you feel free!

The Tаrоt teaches with simplicity and humility.

To work with the Tаrоt is co-creating at the heart of our inner world in connection with the outside world. There is no limit to the creativity, as we learn the Tarot, we learn to be flexible and to trust the game of life.

Have fun playing with your tаrоt deck!

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