Tаrоt Reading – Choosing a Deck That Works For You

Choosing your first Tаrоt deck may seem like an intimidating process, particularly since there are hundreds of decks to choose from. Apart from Tаrоt decks, there are also other forms of divination cards such as oracles cards, wisdom cards, gypsy cards and healing cards. The ultimate goal in choosing a deck is finding the deck that you resonate with. Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to be giving your first Tаrоt deck. If that were the case, I probably never would have embarked on the Tаrоt journey. No rules or rituals are required. You can simply choose any deck that personally speaks to you.

First of all, there is no right or wrong approach to choosing a deck. You can simply begin your process by exploring what’s out there. I always encourage people to begin this undertaking with a little research. The first approach would include looking up various tаrоt decks on the internet. This is a great way to explore the various symbols and iconography depicted in the Get More Information. Every artist tends to have their own interpretation. Some artists choose to remain loyal to traditional symbolism while others will develop their own unique interpretation for the Tаrоt cards. In either case, it’s important to discover what moves you. When I find myself drawn to a particular deck’s imagery, I usually ask myself what is it about this deck that makes me want to learn more. Is it the design, color, symbolism or overall feel? Do I identify with the pictures? Can I relate to them? What do they make me feel?

Learning to identify your own feelings about particular decks can certainly help you narrow down your options. You may also, however, need to see the cards first hand. The best places to buy Tаrоt decks locally are at metaphysical stores and bookstores. Metaphysical stores tend to have more decks and have samples that you can handle. Bookstores tend to carry a smaller number of Tаrоt decks and they typically do not allow you to open them. It’s always great to review a deck’s imagery, but if you are limited, you can certainly get a «feel» for a tаrоt deck just by handling it within its packaging. You may be drawn to the size or the weight of a particular deck and, in some cases; you just may get the right feeling about a particular deck when you see it or handle it in person.

It’s also really important to understand what kind of deck you are drawn too. If it is a divinatory deck that is not related to Tаrоt such as oracle cards or angel cards, it is quite all right to choose this as your deck. However, their interpretations will not be the same as those in the Tarot. Usually, these decks have an accompanying book or pamphlet that discusses the cards significance and meanings. Traditional Tаrоt decks have a total of 78 cards. Depending on the type of Tаrоt deck it is, their visuals may differ, but there overall purpose is the same. The most unique attribute to Tаrоt cards is their ability to guide you through your life challenges by helping you discover who you are.

Finally, should you feel unable to choose a deck to your suiting, stick to the more traditional decks such as the Rider Waite, Morgan Greer, or Aquarian Tarot. The imagery depicted in these decks is the most common. Most Tаrоt books will utilize similar imagery for their interpretations. As you get to know the cards and feel more comfortable with their meanings, you can add to your collection of Tаrоt decks. At some point, you may wish to explore a deck that is more meditative or abstract in nature. The most important thing to remember is that the tarot del amor 2017 helps you tap into your intuition. In the end, let your own intuition be your guide.

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