How to Read Tаrоt Like an Expert

Master tаrоt readers are successful in their field because they choose a specific area in which to excel. These readers tend to concentrate on the artwork of the tаrоt cards. They specialize in the symbols of the tаrоt cards. And what a better way to emulate these people than to study the tаrоt card’s symbols and their meanings ourselves.

When you look at your tаrоt card’s images, colors and symbols, they draw you for a reason. Although these symbols have corresponding traditional meanings, they «speak» to you on a subconscious level and therefore, the viewer will receive a different message, making your interpretation insightful, intelligent,inspiring and one of a kind.

Here are ideas on how to study the symbolism of Click This Link.

1. Observe closely the symbols,colors and images of each card of the tаrоt deck.

2. In a tаrоt journal, take notes of the traditional tаrоt meanings of these symbols by referring to a symbol dictionary. Write your own thoughts about each card.

3. Compare the cards that share common symbols and write in your tаrоt journal about what links them together.

4. Repeat the process until you finish all cards. If you want, you can keep going back to each card again to find new symbols you missed.

5. Study one or two decks of the same generic tаrоt decks. It would be an arduous task to study all symbols of different tаrоt decks at the same time.

When you look at the symbols of each card ask yourself these questions because the answer might help you in your own interpretation.

1. What are the characters doing in the scene? What would you feel if you are in the scene and interacting with the other characters. In the six of pentacles for example if you were the one who donated cash gifts to the beggar, do you feel proud? Or do you feel inadequate, thinking you could have given more?

2. How are the suits (cups,wands,swords and pentacles) arranged? Are they stacked, scattered, attacking, defending or standing alone?

3. Glance at your spread and don’t look at the individual cards. See them as a field. Was one area more green than red? Did orange peep through the left side?

4. Anything that stands out and has association would aid you in your analysis like for example The Chariot. How were the chariots use and who only used them? Why are pyramids missing in the King of Wands? Is the river calm or choppy?

All these sample questions will help your mind be filled with impressions. Was there a message in everything you have seen and felt? What is it’s significance? What do they want of you? Answer all these questions even if you find them silly or ridiculous. don’t let your critical self resist or negate anything. Reel in.

Studying the tarot’s symbols is a bottomless well. It’s a never-ending process. There is always new things to learn. If you are bored analyzing the Rider-Waite, you can always start fresh with Morgan-Greer, Thot, Hudes decks so on and so forth.

As you become well-versed with the tarot’s symbols, you will be able to extemporize about the myths, symbols,colors and uniquely tell your tаrоt story. When you interpret the cards, you will then have the ability to riff or improvise ( borrowing a jazz music terminology) which only expert tаrоt readers are able to do.

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