Free Tаrоt Guide – How to Read Tаrоt Cards

For centuries, the Tаrоt has been identified with the mystical occult. They are perceived as a magical force with the power to influence and control one’s life. In truth, the Tаrоt cards are merely tools for tapping into one’s own intuition. Their true power lies in their ability to help us identify the areas in our lives that we must address as well as identify the areas were need to personally grow. They always reflect our current challenges and our current level of self-development. Their true power comes from our own, inner beings. They are guides for self-discovery and utilizing them improves our ability to develop self-awareness. Ultimately, they can aid us in discovering who we truly are and guide us towards self-realization.

The most common concern when approaching the Related Site as a beginner is learning to interpret the Tаrоt card meanings. Most people tend to feel that this can be a daunting and overwhelming process. It doesn’t have to be. Learning the Tаrоt is a personal journey. Their Tаrоt card meanings can be as personal as you wish to make them. More importantly, there is no right or wrong approach to learning the Tarot. As I stated before, they are tools. You are free to get creative as you want. In the end, their true Tаrоt card meanings will be your personal associations to them.

An Element of Trust

As a beginner Tаrоt reader, it may be difficult to trust your interpretations. That is quite O.K. and it certainly is part of the process. In fact, professional tаrоt readers can encounter this dilemma. To battle these feelings if uncertainty, it may be helpful to understand how the Tаrоt works.

Tаrоt imagery and symbolism has universal themes. These themes reflect the experience we all encounter on our journeys through life and self-development. These are the common themes and experiences we instinctively understand. C.G. Jung explained this phenomenon as the experience of the Collective Unconscious. The Collective Unconscious dwells within the realm of the unconscious mind. It is from this source that we connect to all mankind; in one collective experience. It is an inherent understanding of a shared experience. We can identify our shared experiences through archetypal imagery. These are universal images and visual patterns that are repeated over and over. They appear throughout history.

When approaching the Tarot, you can trust your instincts. Your gut reaction is always your best guide. The archetypal images throughout the Tаrоt will, without doubt, trigger associations. This may be through a personal experience or a collective experience. In either case, it truly does not matter which source feeds your intuition. You just need to listen to your inner voice. This is where the element of trust becomes essential. Your associations to the various check this out post in this article card meanings are just as valid as anyone else, including professional tаrоt readers. Remember, there is no wrong or right association. The guidance from the Tаrоt always comes from within your own self. Enjoying the process.

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