Understanding Different Types of Tаrоt – Aeclectic Tаrоt

There are many types of tаrоt decks available and it may confuse the novice. Understanding the different types of tаrоt decks helps to get a clearer picture when the reader connects to the subconscious through the cards. The largest variety of tаrоt card decks is available online at the website of tаrоt Aeclectic from Australia maintained by the webmaster Solandia. The reason why tаrоt card decks come in many forms of artistry is because the conscious and the subconscious readily relate only to images. In their role as the connection between the conscious and the subconscious each tаrоt reader sees different meanings and finds greater clarity in the images on the tаrоt deck. In short while one set of imagery may appeal to one reader the image may not give a clear reading to another.

The website of tаrоt Aeclectic gives a clear explanation about the imagery on the tаrоt deck and makes understanding the different types of tаrоt deck easy for the purchaser. They have a wide range of cards from ancient Egyptian styles to modern cards by modern artists reflecting modern themes such as gay tаrоt decks. Art is always based on appeal and art that one admires may not be to the taste of another beholder. This to some degree is true of the imagery on tаrоt cards. One reader will find clear meaning in one set of deck images while others will find the same pictures clouded in doubt.

Tаrоt Aeclectic features cards with art from different civilizations and the vast array of cards available on the site gives ample choice for the serious reader. There are cards with designs from ancient Egypt. There are two types of cards available, plain tаrоt cards and oracle cards. Cards that feature artwork of magical periods in history like the runes, the Arthurian period of England with its half pagan and half Christian imagery called the Glastonbury deck and Celtic imagery are available. Different civilizations are reflected in the art on tаrоt card decks. You can find Babylonian tаrоt cards and the ancient Chinese Feng Shui tаrоt cards. The difference between these tаrоt cards are that the suites come with different names. In the Feng Shui tarot del amor 2017 deck, the suites are the white tiger, green dragon, red phoenix and the black tortoise. There are also fairy and fantasy based tаrоt card decks and decks reflecting old religions like that of the nature based Wiccans. Cards which are country and region specific like Basque card decks are also available.

Tаrоt Aeclectic also features standard decks like the Marseilles deck, the Rider-Waite deck and the Aleister Crowley Thoth deck for those who practice divination and are able to interpret meanings through the imagery on the standard decks easily.

The variety of tаrоt cards available at the tаrоt Aeclectic website will give a serious professional a better understanding of the imagery that his or her subconscious relates to for a clear picture. It is only when the bridge between the conscious and the subconscious is clear without being foggy or with obstacles that an accurate tаrоt reading can be conducted.

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Tаrоt Accesses Mass Consciousness to Predict and Report Data

Tаrоt itself reflects what a person is actually thinking at the time that person is handling the Tаrоt deck. There is no doubt of this: At least one scientist has demonstrated this fact, and you can too. Tаrоt has become, through human tradition, through years of use, and probably through intelligent design, an entity in mass consciousness that reports data it focuses upon.

Like all entities (You are an entity too!) Tаrоt has its ways, its processes, its personality. If I am to interact with the Tаrоt meaningfully, it behooves me (It is in my best interest) to acquaint myself with Tarot’s individuality, with its peculiarities. It is not in my best interest to impose my assumptions and my personality and my ways upon Tarot, which is true of almost any relationship I would have with anyone or anything.

Observation is the key to meaningful conversation with you can try here–unbiased ‘scientific’ observation. Focus is vital, since Tаrоt reflects, and reflects upon, what it handlers are actually contemplating.

The first is a Tаrоt deck that even years later would say only one thing no matter what: «I WANT A HOME I AM BOSS IN LIKE MY MAMA.» A furious and devastated mentally impaired homosexual teenage girl had just learned the also-homosexual young man she was practicing straight sex with was not interested in setting up housekeeping with her so she could move out of her very dominant mother’s house. This was the end of that girl’s world at that moment, and she fiddled with that Tаrоt deck for hours, unmoving, numb. The intensity of her experience permanently imprinted her thought upon that deck!

The second story occurs as I am teaching myself Tаrоt meanings from the deck itself, asking it questions I know the answers to, using the whole deck each time and keeping notes of the meanings of individual cards and of meanings of combinations of cards. This project’s purpose was determining Tarot’s meanings for Tarot. Several years are invested in the phase of using a whole deck to answer questions I knew the answer to, and writing it all down.

One very sultry South Florida Saturday, I was too warmly dressed when I arose too early in the morning to visit some recently acquired Venus flytraps in my sunny back yard before I went to the Tаrоt project desk to ask and record the next boring question. When I visited the plants, it was in the hope that one of them had really caught a fly, but that had not happened after all.

When I read the layouts, «Your death wish is granted» was Tarot’s report. Over and over Tаrоt said that, and only that. So…what was I really thinking of when I was handling that Tаrоt deck? You bet. And, yes, one of the plants had caught a fly!

These stories further illustrate the point the professor made when he demonstrated Tаrоt is a consistent violator of the Laws of Random Distribution. (See my other articles about this.) Briefly: Over a period of some years, he presented, on the first day of his classes, individuals who did not know what Tаrоt was, with a new Rider Waite Tаrоt deck, had them think about the history of the Tаrоt itself while they selected a certain number of the cards. The story those cards told was consistent over the years with the known history of the Tarot. Seven cards appeared with frequency that impressed him that Tаrоt is a consistent violator of the Laws of Random Distribution.

In reflecting what a person is actually thinking, Tаrоt is accessing parts of the mind that we call the subconscious and superconscious, parts of the mind that sense patterns and cycles in events and in behavior. Tarot’s report includes that material, and that material is predictive.

This is «How the cards see the future.» A properly trained person can answer psychic questions without using psychic ability, utilizing the Tarot. Of course, he can answer using both psychic and tаrоt skills as well.

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The Marvel of Tаrоt Cards

Tаrоt cards were prized possession of the gypsies and magicians. Linked with witchcraft and considered heretic by medieval churchmen. Tаrоt has survived every twist and turn of fate.

Today, it enjoys an ever increasing popularity. tarot del amor 2017 deck are widely available.Anybody can just walk in a bookstore and buy tаrоt books and tаrоt cards. You can go online and find yourself a treasure trove of tаrоt decks and books. It was not always like this before. You had to do your legwork and actually find someone who was willing to teach you.

The earliest tаrоt cards were believed to have first existed between 13th and 14th century. These were hand-painted ones of which only seventeen cards were known to have remained.

Some speculations of how tаrоt cards came about are: They were considered ars memorativa (a pictorial memory system). In medieval Europe, mystics and philosophers used a visual memory system to record secret philosophies and doctrines to escape persecution. Some said gypsies( a derivation of the word Egyptians) carried the tаrоt cards with them during their travels, although gypsies did not use tаrоt for fortune telling right away. They used palmistry and regular deck of playing cards prior to tаrоt decks.

To debunk the myth that tаrоt decks should be treated in a special way like wrapping the deck in silk cloth and then putting it in a mahogany box, smudging it with incense and purifying it with crystals, might I add, that your first tаrоt deck should be given as a gift and not let anyone borrow or use it..to that I will say, it is not important. It is not a requisite to reading tаrоt successfully. If it makes you feel good to do all that I mentioned with your tаrоt cards then do so. If you want to achieve a proper mindset, go ahead. Don’t let the mechanics of a ritual outweigh the purpose. All the power depends on us. The power is with us, not in the tаrоt decks.

Tаrоt cards nowadays come in different themes (Dragon, Baseball, Herbal, Mythic etc.) Buy one whose images you like. It’s one way to personally connect with your cards, which is a must for reading tаrоt effectively. Just one thing, though when you buy themed decks where all images relate to one main concept like a fairy that appears in every card(as in fairy themed deck), will get in the way with interpreting the symbols. Especially if you’re the kind of tаrоt reader who finds symbols and meanings of symbols crucial to interpreting the tаrоt cards well.

Tаrоt cards fascinated people for centuries. It is because It has a wide variety of uses; for meditation aid, for predicting future events, for healing, for personal growth. It can be used to analyze problems, help in decision-making and stimulate intuition. It can reveal deeply hidden motives, fears and desires. It can reveal faults for the aim of correcting them.

Most people don’t bother how the tаrоt cards work, because how it works is less significant than then the fact that it does work.

Tаrоt cards can let you see how events are connected. Makes you understand that there is a greater design behind these series of events. The attainment of this wisdom usually takes a lifetime of work.

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Online Tаrоt Card Readings

Similar to other forms of psychic readings, tаrоt card readings have become increasingly popular and much more accessible with the technology of the Internet. Many psychic websites offer tаrоt reader specialists, but some websites are exclusively dedicated to the art and skills of tаrоt card readings.

Methods of Online Tаrоt Card Readings

Tаrоt card readings can be done via phone, live chat, video chat and even email. Since tаrоt readings tend to focus on shorter-term seasons or decisions, many dedicated tаrоt websites have regular clients utilize the tаrоt readers’ services at consistent intervals, such as every four to five months. Like other online psychic readings, many tаrоt reading sites offer a free initial reading before setting up paid readings for registered clients.

Basic Card Meanings

The 78 cards are typically divided into two sections. The first section, or Major Arcana, of 22 takes larger themed «story» cards through an arc from number 0, the Fool, through number 21, the World. The arc of this journey is believed to represent a person’s path from ignorance to enlightenment, or from a youthful awareness to a more mature fulfillment. The other cards of the Major Arcana highlight characteristics or experiences a person must learn along life’s journey to accomplish this maturing process, such as strength (11), justice (8), love,tarot del amor and death.

The other section is the Minor Arcana of the remaining 56 cards. This segment of cards addresses the daily, common or mundane aspects of life that contribute to a tаrоt card reading. Each card has its interpretation, such as the High Priestess card, which typically involves some kind of secrets or intuition being revealed or kept hidden. Depending on the placement of the card, either the positive or negative meanings will come out in the interpretation.

Cautions About Online Tаrоt Card Readings

Tаrоt card readings are different than astrological chart readings or other forms of psychic readings. In addition to using the 78 cards of the tаrоt deck to focus the reading, tаrоt cards tend to focus on short-term situations. They are also more effective for clarity, internal understanding and sorting out the emotions (hidden or open) of a particularly confusing situation in the past or present. Tаrоt readings do address the future as well, often in the forms of decisions to be made, or the emotional or psychic state of a person that is influencing a decision to be made.

Alison Day is one tаrоt reader online at Lotus Tаrоt who encourages people to use tаrоt readings to understand the inner workings of their emotions and thoughts. One of the recommendations she makes is a kind of caution to inquirers. When someone seeks a tаrоt reading, she must be aware it won’t give a specific future date and time, like «next Thursday at five p.m. the man standing behind you at the grocery store will become your new lover.» If a person expects this kind of future telling, tаrоt card readings are not the place to find it.

In general, however, many inquirers find online tаrоt card readings are just focused enough to help process an aspect of their current journey in life. Tаrоt card readings are a creative way to do a psychic reading with the particular tools of Tаrоt cards.

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Love Tаrоt – Using the Tаrоt to Find Love

Without doubt, the most common inquiry during a Tаrоt reading is about love. It often seems as though true love is something that is outside of one’s self, that it is an external force or act of fate that we have little control of. In truth, finding love begins within our own selves. Love is a genesis that manifests within our own inner beings. A happy and successful relationship starts with our selves.

The best relationships are those in which both partners have discovered who they are. When one develops a strong sense of self, their partnerships are more likely to flourish. With self-awareness and self-knowledge one is more capable of expressing their feelings and setting appropriate boundaries. They can recognize their own needs and the needs of their partners. More importantly, for someone that is single, they can recognize the traits in a potential partner that will work or won’t work.

When an individual consults the tarot del amor 2017 about love matters, most tаrоt readers and psychics tend to focus directly on the current energy of someone’s love life. They often fail to recognize the influence of someone’s own belief systems or behavioral patters. During a Tаrоt reading, it’s really up to the individual to ask the tаrоt reader or psychic to explore the topic of one’s own level of self-development and how this might be influencing their love life. A good psychic tаrоt reader can pick up on this immediately. Questions of love should shift focus. Instead of asking, when will I find love? Try exploring the areas that are blocking you from finding love. Here are some questions that can be quite useful during a love tаrоt reading.

1. Where are the areas that I need to grow in order to find love?
2. What is preventing me from finding love?
3. What do I need to learn about myself that will enable me to meet a partner?
4. What are my behavioral patterns that are influencing my love life?
5. What are my beliefs about love?
6. What areas do I need to change about myself?
7. Where am I failing to express myself?
8. What do I need to do to open myself up to love?

The more you learn about yourself, the more likely you are to meet the perfect love match. It’s important to remember that when one utilizes the Tаrоt for love, the Tаrоt serves as an oracle. Tаrоt reading is a tool for self-development and growth. In truth, the Tаrоt is a tool that is available to anyone who wishes to explore their own, inner workings. It is an incredibly effective method for delving into the deeper areas of our own selves that affect our current relationships. Tаrоt readings never fail to disclose the secrets of ourselves that remain out of sight.

Tаrоt reading serves as a guide. They are mirrors that reflect our own truths back to us. In love matters, the Tаrоt can lead us towards the manifestation of our goals and dreams. They reveal our vulnerabilities and the areas that prevent us from thriving. In love, the Tаrоt can discover what influences us and highlights situations that we may have been unaware of. Most importantly, the tаrоt offers us a new sense of awareness of who we are. In the end, Tаrоt reading can open us to love.


How to Read Tаrоt Like an Expert

Master tаrоt readers are successful in their field because they choose a specific area in which to excel. These readers tend to concentrate on the artwork of the tаrоt cards. They specialize in the symbols of the tаrоt cards. And what a better way to emulate these people than to study the tаrоt card’s symbols and their meanings ourselves.

When you look at your tаrоt card’s images, colors and symbols, they draw you for a reason. Although these symbols have corresponding traditional meanings, they «speak» to you on a subconscious level and therefore, the viewer will receive a different message, making your interpretation insightful, intelligent,inspiring and one of a kind.

Here are ideas on how to study the symbolism of Click This Link.

1. Observe closely the symbols,colors and images of each card of the tаrоt deck.

2. In a tаrоt journal, take notes of the traditional tаrоt meanings of these symbols by referring to a symbol dictionary. Write your own thoughts about each card.

3. Compare the cards that share common symbols and write in your tаrоt journal about what links them together.

4. Repeat the process until you finish all cards. If you want, you can keep going back to each card again to find new symbols you missed.

5. Study one or two decks of the same generic tаrоt decks. It would be an arduous task to study all symbols of different tаrоt decks at the same time.

When you look at the symbols of each card ask yourself these questions because the answer might help you in your own interpretation.

1. What are the characters doing in the scene? What would you feel if you are in the scene and interacting with the other characters. In the six of pentacles for example if you were the one who donated cash gifts to the beggar, do you feel proud? Or do you feel inadequate, thinking you could have given more?

2. How are the suits (cups,wands,swords and pentacles) arranged? Are they stacked, scattered, attacking, defending or standing alone?

3. Glance at your spread and don’t look at the individual cards. See them as a field. Was one area more green than red? Did orange peep through the left side?

4. Anything that stands out and has association would aid you in your analysis like for example The Chariot. How were the chariots use and who only used them? Why are pyramids missing in the King of Wands? Is the river calm or choppy?

All these sample questions will help your mind be filled with impressions. Was there a message in everything you have seen and felt? What is it’s significance? What do they want of you? Answer all these questions even if you find them silly or ridiculous. don’t let your critical self resist or negate anything. Reel in.

Studying the tarot’s symbols is a bottomless well. It’s a never-ending process. There is always new things to learn. If you are bored analyzing the Rider-Waite, you can always start fresh with Morgan-Greer, Thot, Hudes decks so on and so forth.

As you become well-versed with the tarot’s symbols, you will be able to extemporize about the myths, symbols,colors and uniquely tell your tаrоt story. When you interpret the cards, you will then have the ability to riff or improvise ( borrowing a jazz music terminology) which only expert tаrоt readers are able to do.

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What Do We Really Do When Using Tarot?

The Tarot, the oracles are fascinating, irritating, scary, enchanting people for years. Historically, these tools of self-knowledge are used as tools and we are going to see the reasons why the cards continue to be a important key. Tаrоt puts in motion the depths of our being. We will first list the various components of our being, as a whole. I will give a little description, their correspondence in Jungian psychology. I will indicate the criteria to be sure that all those internal can expand in total harmony. Then I will show you the links between these different elements and the Tarot. The purpose is to understand why and how a deck of cards represents the movement and fluidity of life. Finally, I will give you some suggestions in a choice of additional hints games and some usage tips.

The 4 + 1 elements of our holistic being:

Our internal structure, represented by the card of » The World «, shows five basic parts in us. There are four elements: Fire, Air, Water, Earth and a core element of ether or spirit. We find the same four items used by astrologers.

FIRE element:

it is our intuitive, visionary part. It is also the source of our actions, our perseverance…. this element is extremely fast, immediate, like a laser. This element is activated when we have flashes, inner certainty. When this intuitive part is not recognized by us, we do not know who we are, where we want to go, what is the meaning of our life on this earth… when it is recognize and cultivate, we feel connected to our internal GPS (symbolized by the element ether), which tells us our starting point, our destination and the path to become involved. This element is the function «Intuition» in Jungian psychology and is represented by the lion on the card XXI » The world » of Tarot.

AIR element:

It is our intellectual side, which is also our thought-forms. Its pace is very fast (think of all the thoughts that go through our brain in a minute). It is the rhythm of the wind. When this element is not aligned with the others, we feel confusion invading us, the thoughts going everywhere without any control. When we live this part harmoniously, we put our thoughts in order, giving them their right place and cultivate thoughts that lift us and carry us forward. In Jungian psychology, air represents the function » Thought», and we see it represented as an eagle on the card XXI of the Tarot.

WATER element:

This element includes our feelings, emotions, sensitivity. His pace is slower than the first two elements. For example, we may think or say, «sadness-joy» in a few seconds but if we feel the emotion of sadness and after the emotion of joy, we need a little more time to move from one feeling to another. This element is more dense than the first two and that is why the pace is slower. If we don’t know how to live this part harmoniously, we can be drowned by our emotions. We get trapped in emotional melodramas that are exhausting and unnecessary. When we are healthy in our emotional part, we accept our emotions without being overwhelmed, we recognize our sensible life. It is mastered and expressed appropriately for his own good and the good of all. This element is called the function » feelings » in Jungian terminology. This is an angel who represents that part on the card XXI of Marseilles Tarot.

EARTH element:

This includes our physical sensations, our relationship to the body, food,Mother-Earth. His pace is slow because it is the most dense and concrete dimension of all. It’s the rhythm of nature with its seasons. It is the acceptation that a flower does not grow faster if we pull it… When we don’t live this part well, we live with impatience, rigidity, we would like everything goes differently from what happens in real life, we are not capable of letting go. When we experience a good relationship with this inner part, we are persistent, patient, you live the flow of our life in peace. This element is called the function » sensation » in Jungian psychology. You can see it represented by a horse on the card XXI of Marseilles Tarot.

ETHER element:

This is our soul, our inner divinity, the master of our depth, our source… whatever the name we give it, it is the central part inside of us that knows everything without knowing intellectually. We can align the heart of all our different parts with this one. It pulses at a pace faster than ever because it is our source of synchronic silence. Its rhythm is a multidimensional pace that can shrink or expand to infinity. It is the center of our wheel of life, everything revolves around him. When we are not conscious of this inner part, we live a life inconsistent, paradoxical, contradictory. When we are conscious of this part, this brings us an awareness of all parts of our being, a recognition of our divine part as a wise and immortal presence. We feel guided, loved, unified and perfect in our imperfections. The jungians call this function «transcendental» because it is the center and the periphery of our inner mandala. It is our internal GPS that enable us to live a harmonious life, taking into consideration each of the four elements listed above from which it is the quintessence. On the card XXI » The world » of the el tarot del amor 2017 of Marseilles, this part is represented by a naked woman surrounded by a mandorla, placed at the center of the card.

Now, let’s see what happens when we use a Tarot, what really… happens in the heart of our being? We will see that the Tаrоt will put in motion all the inner 4 + 1 elements:

The Tаrоt and the 5 elements:

When we choose a Tаrоt deck, we use is our FIRE element. We listen to our intuition to choose the game we feel as a mystery. We choose this one and not that one, because we want to discover its secrets. We feel that «it» calls us. Once we have found our game, we look at the images. It feeds our soul and our WATER element. The beauty of the figures penetrates us, moves us, questions us… We take one, two cards, we reads the booklet, try to understand and our AIR element is activated, the one that wants explanations… Then, we return to the Tаrоt deck and we mix all the cards, we do the spreading and…it is our EARTH element that is activated. We want to experiment, touch, integrate, smell, feel physically what is going…

We participate at the game of Life, the same way we are with our Tаrоt deck.


It is important to choose a Tаrоt deck you like, whose images inspire you, which contains explanations understandable to you and you have pleasure to play with. So, all your inner parts are recognized, appreciated and put in motion.

How do you know if you have a right Tаrоt deck for you? Ask yourself those questions:

– Do I choose my Tаrоt deck because I like it ( and not because this or that expert have the same, because it is the most used or because such authority on the matter said…? ). – Do the images inspire me? – Do I understand the explanations in the booklet? – Do I find my cards perfect for my hands ( and not too large or too small…)?

If you answer YES to those questions, everything is fine. If you answer no to one or more to those questions, perhaps this is a good time to find another set of Tаrоt cards and choose one that will resonate with… you! Find the Tаrоt deck that simply inspire you effortlessly, accompany you all the time and make you feel free!

The Tаrоt teaches with simplicity and humility.

To work with the Tаrоt is co-creating at the heart of our inner world in connection with the outside world. There is no limit to the creativity, as we learn the Tarot, we learn to be flexible and to trust the game of life.

Have fun playing with your tаrоt deck!

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Tаrоt Reading – Choosing a Deck That Works For You

Choosing your first Tаrоt deck may seem like an intimidating process, particularly since there are hundreds of decks to choose from. Apart from Tаrоt decks, there are also other forms of divination cards such as oracles cards, wisdom cards, gypsy cards and healing cards. The ultimate goal in choosing a deck is finding the deck that you resonate with. Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to be giving your first Tаrоt deck. If that were the case, I probably never would have embarked on the Tаrоt journey. No rules or rituals are required. You can simply choose any deck that personally speaks to you.

First of all, there is no right or wrong approach to choosing a deck. You can simply begin your process by exploring what’s out there. I always encourage people to begin this undertaking with a little research. The first approach would include looking up various tаrоt decks on the internet. This is a great way to explore the various symbols and iconography depicted in the Get More Information. Every artist tends to have their own interpretation. Some artists choose to remain loyal to traditional symbolism while others will develop their own unique interpretation for the Tаrоt cards. In either case, it’s important to discover what moves you. When I find myself drawn to a particular deck’s imagery, I usually ask myself what is it about this deck that makes me want to learn more. Is it the design, color, symbolism or overall feel? Do I identify with the pictures? Can I relate to them? What do they make me feel?

Learning to identify your own feelings about particular decks can certainly help you narrow down your options. You may also, however, need to see the cards first hand. The best places to buy Tаrоt decks locally are at metaphysical stores and bookstores. Metaphysical stores tend to have more decks and have samples that you can handle. Bookstores tend to carry a smaller number of Tаrоt decks and they typically do not allow you to open them. It’s always great to review a deck’s imagery, but if you are limited, you can certainly get a «feel» for a tаrоt deck just by handling it within its packaging. You may be drawn to the size or the weight of a particular deck and, in some cases; you just may get the right feeling about a particular deck when you see it or handle it in person.

It’s also really important to understand what kind of deck you are drawn too. If it is a divinatory deck that is not related to Tаrоt such as oracle cards or angel cards, it is quite all right to choose this as your deck. However, their interpretations will not be the same as those in the Tarot. Usually, these decks have an accompanying book or pamphlet that discusses the cards significance and meanings. Traditional Tаrоt decks have a total of 78 cards. Depending on the type of Tаrоt deck it is, their visuals may differ, but there overall purpose is the same. The most unique attribute to Tаrоt cards is their ability to guide you through your life challenges by helping you discover who you are.

Finally, should you feel unable to choose a deck to your suiting, stick to the more traditional decks such as the Rider Waite, Morgan Greer, or Aquarian Tarot. The imagery depicted in these decks is the most common. Most Tаrоt books will utilize similar imagery for their interpretations. As you get to know the cards and feel more comfortable with their meanings, you can add to your collection of Tаrоt decks. At some point, you may wish to explore a deck that is more meditative or abstract in nature. The most important thing to remember is that the tarot del amor 2017 helps you tap into your intuition. In the end, let your own intuition be your guide.

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Free Tаrоt Guide – How to Read Tаrоt Cards

For centuries, the Tаrоt has been identified with the mystical occult. They are perceived as a magical force with the power to influence and control one’s life. In truth, the Tаrоt cards are merely tools for tapping into one’s own intuition. Their true power lies in their ability to help us identify the areas in our lives that we must address as well as identify the areas were need to personally grow. They always reflect our current challenges and our current level of self-development. Their true power comes from our own, inner beings. They are guides for self-discovery and utilizing them improves our ability to develop self-awareness. Ultimately, they can aid us in discovering who we truly are and guide us towards self-realization.

The most common concern when approaching the Related Site as a beginner is learning to interpret the Tаrоt card meanings. Most people tend to feel that this can be a daunting and overwhelming process. It doesn’t have to be. Learning the Tаrоt is a personal journey. Their Tаrоt card meanings can be as personal as you wish to make them. More importantly, there is no right or wrong approach to learning the Tarot. As I stated before, they are tools. You are free to get creative as you want. In the end, their true Tаrоt card meanings will be your personal associations to them.

An Element of Trust

As a beginner Tаrоt reader, it may be difficult to trust your interpretations. That is quite O.K. and it certainly is part of the process. In fact, professional tаrоt readers can encounter this dilemma. To battle these feelings if uncertainty, it may be helpful to understand how the Tаrоt works.

Tаrоt imagery and symbolism has universal themes. These themes reflect the experience we all encounter on our journeys through life and self-development. These are the common themes and experiences we instinctively understand. C.G. Jung explained this phenomenon as the experience of the Collective Unconscious. The Collective Unconscious dwells within the realm of the unconscious mind. It is from this source that we connect to all mankind; in one collective experience. It is an inherent understanding of a shared experience. We can identify our shared experiences through archetypal imagery. These are universal images and visual patterns that are repeated over and over. They appear throughout history.

When approaching the Tarot, you can trust your instincts. Your gut reaction is always your best guide. The archetypal images throughout the Tаrоt will, without doubt, trigger associations. This may be through a personal experience or a collective experience. In either case, it truly does not matter which source feeds your intuition. You just need to listen to your inner voice. This is where the element of trust becomes essential. Your associations to the various check this out post in this article card meanings are just as valid as anyone else, including professional tаrоt readers. Remember, there is no wrong or right association. The guidance from the Tаrоt always comes from within your own self. Enjoying the process.

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