Understanding Tarot: Symbols And Rituals

One of the things that makes Tаrоt so popular is without a doubt the beautiful and detailed drawings on each card representing each of the major and minor arcana. But those images aren’t there just to make a tаrоt reading an aesthetically pleasing experience. Each tаrоt deck is filled with symbolism, and each of the cards is a message on its own. While some of the symbols are universal, others belong to specific art schools or tаrоt artists and so different decks can give the same tаrоt reading a different focus.

Learning The Symbolism Of Tаrоt Cards

While nothing will replace practice and time in terms of getting to understand fully the symbolism of tаrоt cards and spreads, the following step-by-step method is a good place to start familiarizing yourself with a tаrоt deck, or even getting used to a new one with different symbols. Keeping a reading journal where you write your impressions and annotate the meanings particular cards have for you.

Pick up the Major Arcana from your tаrоt deck, and separate them from the rest. Place them face up on the table, in ascending order.

Choose a card, the one you feel more attracted to, and read up its complete interpretation. Look also at what the artist is telling you through the card design. Some cards have different messages depending on the deck, and a card that looks dangerous and aggressive on one may look sensual and intense in another.

Look at the details and symbols on the card, and see how they relate to its meaning. Many of those symbols are used to help you remember the meaning of a particular card and how it relates to others.

Once you have studied all the major arcana cards, place them back on the table and look at them as a group. Read the story they are telling you, from the Fool’s journey to its destination.

Do the same with the Minor Arcana. Group the cards by suit, and focus on studying each suit and its symbolism,click this over here now, choosing first the one that speaks to you more clearly.

Symbolic Rituals For Tаrоt Reading

Sometimes, the person performing the reading may choose to follow a particular ritual in order to put his or her mind in the right frameset, banish negative energies and attract the positive ones or just as a way of more accurately setting the mood. Some of those rituals are as follows:

Wrapping the cards in a silk cloth to protect them from negative energies, as well as keeping them in specially designed and decorated tаrоt bags and even engraved wooden boxes.
Using candles, aromatherapy oils, incenses and gemstones around the table where the cards are being placed, as that helps the reader focus. Scents such as sandalwood, frankincense or lavender help soothe and ground the mind, while laurel is said to help clairvoyance and inspiration.
Use a crystal pendulum over the cards to draw away any remaining negative energies.
While those rituals are not necessary, many find them part of the symbology of the Tаrоt and helpful to achieve a better understanding of the reading.

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